Spaying and neutering dogs
The recommended age for spaying/neutering is around 6 months of age.
The American Animal Hospital Association's (AAHA) Life Stage Gidelines recommend that small dogs (predicted adult weight under 45 lbs.) be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age. Large dogs (projected adult weight over 45 pounds) are recommended to be spayed or neutered after growth has ceased, usually between 9 and 15 months of age. They should be spayed or neutered as early as possible to reduce the stress caused by the heat and to prevent various diseases.
After spaying or neutering, hormonal imbalances can occur and the dog can become very overweight. It is better to switch to a special diet for your dog.

Costs and benefits of surgery
cost & effect
30,000-80,000 yen
Reduction of stress caused by heat.
Prevention of prostate enlargement and testicular tumours.
30,000-80,000 yen
Reduction of stress caused by heat.
Prevention of cystic fibrosis and ovarian tumours